Anime Addicts Anonymous

In memory of Waggs
4/01/86 - 12/6/02

You will be missed...

Currently, this temporary page is a place holder for anime addicts anonymous. A full website is expected sometime in September. Stay tuned for more announcements.

New doll/activity set updates are ready for upload, but the upload is going to be slightly delayed due to technical difficulties. The next update is currently expected by August, mainly on the chibiusa paper doll. Most graphics are expected to be completely redone, and new layering features will be available. The following graphic demonstrates what to expect in the new version.

Other sites:

Internet Explorer Playsets:

Black Lady Paper Doll
Chibiusa Paper Doll*
Xelloss Paper Doll

Sailor Moon Puzzles
Slayers Puzzles
Slayers Crossword

Sailor Moon Colorforms
Final Fantasy Experiment**

All playsets are made with javascript and dynamic html.
Netscape versions are pending, sans Chibiusa
Try double-clicking on images. Many times, they will change.

* Currently undergoing an update process.
** VERY Under construction... URL changes frequently. Do not bookmark.