Takes a licking and keeps on ticking...

Another year, another network outage...

Here are some pictures of the original mtu.net circa 1998


MTU.NET Picture Page

People On MTU.NET

E-MOL.COM the best way to do mail on the web

SMOOTHSTEPS.COM you dancing information source


computers1-small.jpg (11350 bytes) MTU.NET is not just one computer but rather a subnet of over 12 computers
Unix, Microsoft, and MAC MTU.NET can serve it all. computers2-small.jpg (10285 bytes)
hubs-server-small.jpg (15573 bytes) The trusty Linux server and 4 hubs.
Time for the Linux server close up. server-small.jpg (10453 bytes)
wires1-small.jpg (17375 bytes) This is the MTU.NET complex and intricate wiring scheme.
Note the color coding improves clarity. wires2-small.jpg (18391 bytes)

powerby.gif (8328 bytes)